Its time to go GREEN

Its time to go GREEN

Introducing greenery into a space can give life, freshness and interest! Read on and we will tell you why and how you too can compliment your home with this simple inclusion.....

2020 Styling Predictions - by Simple Styling Solutions

2020 Styling Predictions - by Simple Styling Solutions

When I was recently asked the top 3 styling trends for 2020 I pondered on where the style train might take us this new decade? Will we stay with the soft pastel tones of boho…… the stark whites of coastal……… or the hip geometric shapes associated with the Palm Springs look that we have grown to love of late? Check out my predictions

The Block Blog - Weekly Recap

The Block Blog - Weekly Recap

The Block debut each year gets me just as excited as when the Linen Lovers half yearly sale is announced – like a kid in a candy shop really on both accounts really!

Top 10 Styling Tips

Top 10 Styling Tips

It's no secret that we love styling and our styling tips are no secret! Sit down, grab a cuppa and read on so you too can make your house the next front cover of Home Beautiful……… well that might be a little extreme but it's good to have goals!